Sunday, June 29, 2008


This is the first video of several in a series that I am currently working on.  I don’t know who decided that “we” should be so celebrity driven, the media?  or was it middle America, whoever that is these day’s.   

I hear a lot of people bitch and complain about the Lindsay’s or the Britney’s taking up to much of the air time on the local news, or sick of their faces splashed across to many magazines.  Well someone is buying them!  So we must want to see it?  Right?

I admit that I have plowed through a couple of issues of “People” while waiting to see the dentist, In line at the grocery store or sitting down in the bathroom.  I always find myself skipping to those stories about the latest tragedy concerning an “A List Celebrity” you know the story, the one where their life is spinning out of control,  the drugs, the hookers.  I guess it makes me feel better about what’s going on in my life.  I consider those RAGS as a guilty pleasure, it just sounds better that way when you say it out loud.

So let this be my contribution to all the star fuckers in the World.